Insight on patterns and trends in the international movement of university students and how institutions can best meet the needs of international students
From controlling travel to failing to provide adequate support, universities’ treatment of international postgrads is harming the research community and the HE sector
If universities are serious about internationalisation, they must confront the hegemony of English-medium instruction – here’s how, says Dylan Williams
International students embark on a challenging personal and educational journey when they enrol overseas. Fiona S. Baker outlines support inside and outside the classroom that can help them succeed
Major universities in this region are now uniquely positioned to build new international partnerships with academic institutions that have lost access to Russia
Using enquiry-based learning gives overseas students agency and helps them decide for themselves how they want to be included in the learning process, says Dylan Williams
Enrolment managers must realise an increasingly complex landscape doesn’t need a quick fix to a short-term challenge but rather a reasonable strategy for managing long-term tensions
Ravinder Anand-Ivell explains how early investment of time and empathy can help international postgraduate research students adapt to a new environment