Senior leaders should hold themselves and their teams accountable for performance-driven metrics, foster psychologically safe workplaces and reward values-based behaviours
Clearly articulated values, structures that support accountability and metrics that align with strategic goals are the new leadership competencies, says Angela Hernquist
A new supercomputer, new faculty and partnerships with higher education and industry leaders helped the University of Florida transform itself into an AI powerhouse, creating a blueprint for other institutions to follow
Classroom discussions help engagement and learning so find out how instructors can get started in facilitating respectful debate among students using a simple framework
How can academics stay energised and resilient? The first step, says Aaron Davis, is take stock of those tasks and worries that deplete energy, then add activities that refill your cup
Working out how you want to spend your time versus how you actually spend it can be a useful tool for ensuring investment in your physical and mental health, says Sara Metz
One can accomplish only so many tasks in a given day, so try selecting three from five designated priorities and ensuring they are nurtured, says Sandy Jones