University assessment and quality assurance

Rethinking assessment strategies? Academics offer guidance on how to give feedback, grading v ungrading, authentic assessment, monitoring student progress, preventing cheating and maintaining academic integrity

By Eliza.Compton, 27 June, 2023
Designing assessment that tests critical thinking has value and practicality, so the challenge is figuring out questions that flummox the AI without creating wildly difficult problems for students, write Luke Zaphir and Jason M. Lodge
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By Eliza.Compton, 10 June, 2023
A benchmark of success for interdisciplinary learning is graduates who have the flexibility to examine their areas of interest and develop attributes that deliver practical value to future employers
By Miranda Prynne, 25 May, 2023
When set a task, how does ChatGPT really perform and what does this tell educators about how to craft their questions and assignments to avoid students relying entirely on this AI tool to generate answers?
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