Handling a challenging academic workload along with parenting responsibilities is complicated. Support, connection to resources and access to reliable childcare are all needed for parenting students and professionals to succeed
Juggling academics with family responsibilities is complicated. Barbara Hoopes shares advice on supporting and empowering graduate students who are parents
The power of a combined voice can make working life easier for university faculty and staff with children. Here, Judith Lock lays out the challenges of mixing parenthood with academia and how networks lead to more family-friendly campuses
What elements can make a university stand out as being partner-friendly? Here are ways for institutions to support academics in dual-career partnerships – and boost their ability to attract and retain the best talent
Young women and men from African countries will soon comprise the most significant group of globally mobile students. What if universities met them with a sustainable, positive vision for their communities and the host institutions? Here are practical strategies and resources
With infertility on the rise, is it time for universities to consider how they support staff struggling with fertility? Devon Oakley-Hogg shares a first-hand account of her failed IVF cycles and how the experience has left her craving change
In this extract from their book, ‘Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe’, Olga Burlyuk and Ladan Rahbari explore the ways precarity presents itself in academia
Researchers who navigate emotionally challenging topics need support that includes well-being plans, advice on handling distress and risk assessment guidance, writes Tina Skinner. Her work has led to a series of resources for universities