Instructional design

How to design online, flipped and in-person courses – from lesson planning and technology use to assessment – that maximise student engagement, inclusivity and learning outcomes

By kiera.obrien, 29 August, 2024
Instead of fighting against the dawn of artificial intelligence, educators should be teaching future interpreters the skills to use it effectively. Here’s how
Reading time
By Eliza.Compton, 27 August, 2024
To train tomorrow’s workforce, higher education institutions must assess students’ technological familiarity, their readiness to engage with advanced tools and their purposes for using them. Here are two ways to gather data
By Laura.Duckett, 22 August, 2024
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a pedagogical framework covering six levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating. Building a strong foundation to help students store and retrieve information is crucial
Reading time