As people all over the world grapple with rising costs, what can universities do to ease the financial burden of higher education from the very start of the process? Brooke Wilson offers her advice
HBCUs’ culture of generosity and community has much to offer all colleges and universities, write Marybeth Gasman and Levon T. Esters. Here, they distill their research into four key elements
Academic scholars are generally not trained to write for broad audiences, so how do you get your compelling, newsworthy research out there? Gregory R. Goldsmith offers five considerations
Engaging in local civic projects offers students meaningful learning opportunities, fosters co-creation and supports the community at large. Here, Martha Sullivan outlines the benefits based on working with the Empty Bowls project
Outreach initiatives and support programmes can address first-generation students’ challenges, such as belonging and financial literacy, while increasing retention and graduation rates. Here, Charmaine Troy shares her recommendations
Embark on a pedagogical road trip, exploring strategies to combine academia with industry dynamics. John Sinclair fastens his seatbelt and starts the engine
Engagement opportunities don’t end with orientation or even the first year of study. Here, Araceli Martinez and Athina Cuevas explain how to build a programme that helps students develop confidence and leadership skills and support the next cohort
The first step towards providing better support for first-generation students should be to acknowledge the variety of definitions that exist and develop a better shared understanding of how those definitions affect students