Following years researching paid academic support methods, Joel Heng Hartse suggests solutions that can help beat “academic help” companies at their own game
The time for incrementalism is over. As responsible humans and academic professionals we must radically rethink the purposes and processes of education and development
Peer review can be a powerful pedagogical tool for developing multilingual students’ essay-writing and communication skills if they are given clear guidance on the process, Andrea Feldman explains
To move beyond rhetoric, hollow commitments and well-intentioned one-time efforts, we must hold ourselves accountable, says a team from Simon Fraser University
Misapprehensions about responding to and grading writing can prevent educators using writing as an effective pedagogical tool. Rolf Norgaard and Stephanie Foster set out to dispel them
For libraries to secure their future on higher education campuses, they must embrace a model that prioritises partnerships and collaboration, says Sheila Corrall
To mark International Women’s Day, we spoke with two female academics about their journey through higher education and the biases and assumptions they have overcome
By applying principles of universal design for learning, lecturers can develop fairer approaches to assessment and plagiarism for multilingual international students, Andrea Feldman explains
We must extend belonging to help students feel they’re cut out for college, lower barriers such as impostor syndrome and ultimately support learning, says Flower Darby