Elizabeth Langran outlines three areas of university teaching where disruptive innovation should be actively encouraged to boost accessibility and engagement for wider student populations
Ubiquitous data collection will give rise to large datasets, which can help improve outcomes for all students – especially those most in need, says Daphne Koller
If we’re going to assign team projects, and if we really believe working well in a group is important, we must teach effective group processes, says Todd Zakrajsek
Katharine Johanesen explains how to replace traditional grading with self-assessment and feedback throughout a course in order to improve learning outcomes
Universities don’t do a very good job of credentialing, and the process actively harms students and their learning, so why do we persist? asks Danny Oppenheimer
Susan D Blum shares her key recommendations for anyone wishing to remove grades from their teaching, in order to focus their students’ energies upon learning