
What is pedagogy? Academics offer insights into the theory and practice of learning and how knowledge is transferred in the classroom or online

By Eliza.Compton, 5 July, 2022
Boredom is the enemy of learning. Educators can minimise it, increase student engagement and allow deep learning to take place with these practical tips
Reading time
By Miranda Prynne, 24 June, 2022
To adapt traditional teaching techniques to a blended learning model educators must apply effective instructional design processes that harness technology to support the pedagogy and access to teaching materials, as Nelcy Natalia Atehortua Sanchez and Juan Sebastian Blandon Luengas explain
Reading time
By Miranda Prynne, 6 June, 2022
Effective approaches to training student teachers in critical thinking so they can apply it across multiple disciplines and pass on their knowledge to their own pupils, by Joseph Sanacore
Reading time